
Villa Prague-East

Two-storey Villa Prague-East with connection to the garden

The villa is characterized by a simple rectangular shape both in plan and in views. The whole concept of the building is based on two main parameters.

One is the relatively narrow plot and the other is the view of the landscape.


These criteria give rise to an interesting modern look and add a quality aesthetic to the house.

The villa is designed to make optimal use of the connection with the adjacent garden. The connection is particularly noticeable at the intersection of the two basic masses of the building, which perpendicularly define the space of the outdoor terrace, the living room and the open space of the kitchen inside.

The interconnected terrace, living room and kitchen together form essentially half of the ground floor area.

This central moment of functional articulation is open to both the garden and the interior of the building, answering the need for views of the surrounding landscape.

The landscape thus becomes a kind of backdrop to the client’s garden. Large windows and sliding doors allow easy and fluid access to the outdoor space. This gives residents the opportunity to enjoy pleasant outdoor activities, but also the wider context of the rich nature.

The effect of implementing the landscape into the interior spaces is even a little more apparent on the upper floor, where the children’s rooms are primarily located. These, thanks to the overhead view, have a greater vantage point and it is indeed possible to look far and easily into the surroundings.

The land gave us a noticeable limit in one direction. In width. So the building responds to the narrower plot and in the layout this shows up as a slightly elongated shape. For the sake of simplicity, we can say that the villa appears as a rectangle in plan.

The interior of the Villa Prague-East is spacious and welcoming.

The connection between the indoor and outdoor environment is key to creating a light and airy interior space.

The open floor plan allows for flow between rooms and creates a feeling of spaciousness. This is perhaps most evident in the aforementioned intersection of terrace, living room and kitchen.

The central corridor opens here, i.e. the main corridor from the arrival either by car or on foot. The master bedroom is tucked away to provide the best possible conditions for a good night’s sleep. It is directly adjacent to the bathroom, which adds to the convenience, and if one wants to become easily productive, just cross the hallway to the study.

The second floor is easily accessed via an unobtrusive staircase in the living room. This complements the wall and is practically curved in an L-shape, whereby it does not take up or lose much space in the rooms involved. For example, it partially takes away the volume of the utility room, which is essentially a minimal problem.

There are two children’s rooms and a bathroom on the 2nd floor. Both rooms have balconies with southern exposure. Technically, the building could extend one of the balconies into a generous roof terrace if this was part of the brief.


The garden is an important part of the project.

The villa is integrated into the surrounding environment through the main spaces and offers the residents beautiful views of greenery and nature at all times of the day, at all times of the year.

Fortunately, the rectangular plot has an explicit north-south orientation.

In the longitudinal direction, it essentially follows these important cardinal directions. This is why the house is perpendicular to the direction of the midday sun, for example. This makes it easier for us to work with the light and heat from this essential source.

The living room, the kitchen, the main terrace, the area around the pool, the balconies – all face directly south.

One could say that this is what makes Villa Třemblat seem to be bathed in sunlight at all times of the day.

The surroundings of the property are truly rich in natural beauty, including the aforementioned abundance of light. The surrounding open plots enhance the views and the feeling of spaciousness of the garden. The terraces and relaxation areas are ideal for relaxing and gathering with family and friends. The pool is in the sun for most of the day.

Overall, this two-storey villa is a modern home that offers not only space for the whole family to live comfortably, but also a quality connection with nature. This architectural project is a great example of how to elegantly combine interior and exterior, how to derive the main principle of the layout from simple masses and shapes that simply, but effectively, create a harmonious and pleasant home.

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